Course Overview
According to Network Rail, there are five bridge strikes each day involving large goods or passenger vehicles across the UK. If your vehicle is involved in a bridge strike, you will be called to a hearing before the Traffic Commissioner and regulatory action will be taken against your Operator’s Licence.
Additionally, the driver of the vehicle will also be called to a hearing where their vocational entitlement is put into jeopardy with the risk of revocation together with disqualification for six months.
With this in mind, what are operators and transport managers required to do to prevent bridge strikes?
Join us to discover what bridge strikes mean in practice for you, your drivers and your compliance management systems, and the implications of getting it wrong.
The training will cover:
The national picture (according to Network Rail)
Why do bridge strikes happen?
Consequences of a bridge strike
Bridge strikes and the Traffic Commissioners
What to do in the event of a bridge strike
How to prevent bridge strikes
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